Piano and Theory Evaluations
Evaluations are Offered Twice Per Year
Next Evaluation Dates: September 14th and 15th (register by Friday, June 14)

We have worked many thousands of hours to create this developmental curriculum for our students. Participation in this programs ensures:
- Measurable learning outcomes
- Mastery at many levels starting with basics
- More confident, self-sufficient musicianship
- Learning foundational music theory
- Advancement in sight reading
- Learning how to read chord symbols
- Exposure and experience with improvisation and composition
Evaluations will be offered by appointment only on September 14th and 15th. Signup Deadline: Friday, June 14th. Each level takes 1-2 years to master, but passing within 6 months is possible for the highly dedicated student. Please read through the descriptions below, and consult your teacher before registering for any particular level.
At this foundational phase we focus on establishing healthy technical habits and establishing fluency at a basic level. For future reference, you can view all 4 phases here.
Level Prep
(1-2 years of study)
This is possibly the most difficult assessment to pass. It can easily take 2 years to cover the material on this page. More musically experienced students could pass the preparatory level in less time. Rushing through and skipping ahead can cause confusion and frustration. Aim for fluency with each chapter, and you will learn faster. Please take your time and reward every victory along the way. Thank you!!
After passing this level, the student to be able to:
- Play piano with good posture and technique
- Identify and play all notes on the keyboard
- Identify most notes on the grand staff
- Sight read easy melodies on the grand staff
- Identify understand a wide variety of musical signs and symbols
- Play in some common 5-Finger positions
- Improvise in various keys
- Choose and play repertoire that reinforces your learning
End Goal: To pass the preparatory level of piano proficiency. Review and download the Requirements Here.
Students should have the following available:
- Piano or electric keyboard with full size keys
- Flash cards and a note learning app (if allowed by parents)
- Julie McIntosh Johnson’s Basics of Keyboard Theory – Level Prep
Level One
(2-4 years of study)
This is NOT a beginning level. Please make sure you have passed the Preparatory Level Assessment or equivalent before starting this material. This curriculum is all about mastering the basics and establishing fluency at many levels. Rushing through and skipping over any details can cause frustration, confusion, and a lack of enthusiasm for learning. This course could take 1 to 2 years to complete AFTER the Preparatory Level is passed. Please take your time and reward every accomplishment. Thank you!!
After passing this level, the student will be able to:
- Play piano a higher level of technique with greater expression
- Identify all notes on the grand staff
- Identify some Major key signatures
- Sight read melodies in a variety of keys on the grand staff
- Identify understand more musical signs and symbols
- Play a variety of triads in Root, 1st and 2nd Inversions
- Play a variety of Major one octave scales
- Choose and play repertoire that reinforces your learning
- And more!
End Goal: To pass this level of piano proficiency. Review and download the Requirements Here.
Students should have the following available:
- Piano or electric keyboard with full size keys (touch sensativity recommended)
- Flash cards and a note learning app (if allowed)
- Julie McIntosh Johnson’s Basics of Keyboard Theory – Level Prep and Level 1
Level Two
(3-6 years of study)
This is NOT a beginning level. Please make sure your students have passed the Level One Assessment or equivalent before starting this material. This curriculum is all about mastering the basics and establishing fluency at many levels. Rushing through and skipping over any details can cause frustration, confusion, and a lack of enthusiasm for learning. This course could take 1 to 2 years to complete AFTER the Level 1 assessment is passed. Please take your time and reward every victory along the way. Thank you!!
After passing this level, the student will be able to:
- Play piano with greater technique, strength and expression
- Identify most Major key signatures and some minor key signatures
- Sight read music in most keys with and expanding ranges
- Identify understand more musical signs and symbols
- Play most triads in Root, 1st and 2nd inversions
- Play most Major one-octave major and some minor scales
- Choose and play repertoire that reinforces learning
End Goal: To pass this level of piano proficiency. Review and download the Requirements Here.
Students should have the following available:
- Piano or electric keyboard with full size keys (touch sensativity recommended)
- Flash cards and a note learning app (if allowed)
- Julie McIntosh Johnson’s Basics of Keyboard Theory – Level 2
Level Three
(4-7 years of study)
Please make sure your students have passed the Level Two Assessment or equivalent before starting this material. This curriculum is all about mastering the basics and establishing fluency at many levels. Rushing through and skipping over any details can cause frustration, confusion, and a lack of enthusiasm for learning. This course could take 1 to 2 years to complete AFTER the Level 2 assessment is passed. Please take your time and reward every victory along the way. Thank you!!
After passing this level, the student will be able to:
- Play piano with greater technique, strength and expression
- Identify ALL Major key signatures and many minor key signatures
- Sight read music in most keys with and expanding ranges
- Identify understand more musical signs and symbols
- Play ALL triads in Root, 1st and 2nd inversions
- Play ALL Major one-octave major and some minor scales
- Understand and play a variety of chord progressions
- Read a chord chart and create an accompaniment
- Improvise and compose music at an introductory level
- Choose and play repertoire that reinforces learning
End Goal: To pass this level of piano proficiency. Review and download the Requirements Here.
Students should have the following available:
- Piano or electric keyboard with full size keys (touch sensativity and weighted keys recommended)
- Flash cards and a note learning app (if allowed)
- Julie McIntosh Johnson’s Basics of Keyboard Theory – Level 3