Jamba Jammers Band Page

Band Materials
Song List:
Self Esteem (The Offspring)
What’s My Age Again? (Blink 182)
What’s My Age Again? Clean Lyrics
What’s My Age Again Band Reduction
What’s My Age Again – Sheet Music down half step
Self Esteem original key of A Sheet Music
We are doing Self Esteem down a whole step to G. Please use this track when practicing:
Click for Clean Lyrics:
Self Esteem is down a whole step to G. Please use this track when practicing:
What’s My Age Again?
Here is a video of me playing your entire key bass song along with the original recording so you can hear how all the sections fit together. The transitions are DIFFERENT than what I originally showed you so please study this video and the one that follows it if you need further clarification.
Fall 2023 Band Session – Important Dates:
October 14th &15th
In-house Performance Workshop Weekend
(specific performance time to be announced)
Sunday, December 10th
Band Showcase
(specific performance time to be announced)
NO REHEARSAL Monday, September 4, Labor Day Holiday
NO REHEARSAL Monday, September 25, Yom Kippur Holiday
NO REHEARSAL Monday, November 20, Thanksgiving Holiday Week