Music Classes and Choir For Young Musicians

Fall 2023 Vocal Program Registration is Now Open!
All music classes and choir will be directed by Coast Music’s Founder and Music Director Beth Rohde.

Coast Children’s Choir (ages 8-12)
Audition Required
Schedule: TBA
Start and End Dates: August 28th-December 11th
15 classes (2 makeups for holidays), 2 performances
This is an amazing choral experience for young singers who love to sing classical music, songs from movies, holiday music and more!
At the end of this short session, students should be able to:
- Sing with good pitch in unison and 2-3 part harmonies
- Blend musically with other singers
- Sight read rhythms in 3/4 and 4/4 time including combinations of quarter notes, quarter rests, eighth notes, half notes, half rests, whole notes and whole rests.
- Sight sing easy melodies on the Treble Clef Staff
- Identify understand a variety of musical signs and symbols
- Each child will be assigned to introduce the audience to a musical period or composer
The choir will learn and perform 2-4 songs during this session.

Music Skills Class (ages 7-9)
Tentative Schedule: Wednesdays 2:00-3:00pm
Start and End Dates: August 30th-December 13th
15 classes and 1 presentation
This is a fun music development class where students learn fundamental music theory and sight reading!
Objectives: At the end of this short session, students should be able to:
- Recite the ascending and descending musical alphabet
- Identify and play all notes on the piano keyboard
- Identify Middle C up to C (3rd space) on the Treble Clef staff
- Sight read rhythms in 3/4 and 4/4 time including combinations of quarter notes, quarter rests, eighth notes, half notes, half rests, whole notes and whole rests.
- Sight sing easy melodies on the Treble Clef Staff
- Identify understand a wide variety of musical signs and symbols