The Rock Stars

Band Materials


Song List:

A bar song – Shaboozy
APT –  Bruno Mars / Rose
We will rock you – Queen

Please use this transposed track when practicing A Bar Song because we are playing it in a different key than the original:

“A Bar Song” (Key of A)

Click the link for Lyric Assignments for We Will Rock You: We Will Rock You w:vocal assignments


We Will Rock You:

Here are the lyrics for We Will Rock You.  Please work with your child on memorizing their verse this week so we won’t need to look at lyrics next Wednesday.  Each girl just has 1 short verse to learn so it shouldn’t take too long to commit to memory.

A Bar Song:

We are so excited that you are trying drums for this song!  You have very good natural rhythm so i am confident you will do great!

IMPORTANT: Make sure you are practicing with the transposed track above. It won’t sound right with the original recording.


We Will Rock You:

Try to hit the snare with a flam – where the sticks are barely separated when they strike.

A Bar Song:

Here is your part with the track playing in the background so you can hear the timing:


You just have these 2 parts for APT.  Try to “feel” when we are moving to the chorus so you don’t have to count.  This will get easier the more times you hear this song.  Your already sound GREAT!



You are doing a great job playing keyboard percussion!  Please review your video so you will remember your part for next week.

A Bar Song:

We gave you a more advanced keyboard part for this song and you are doing great.  You will want to reinforce this at home.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you are practicing with the transposed track above. It won’t sound right with the original recording.

Here is your part with the track playing in the background so you can hear the timing:


We Will Rock You:

Here are the lyrics for We Will Rock You.  Please work with your child on memorizing their verse this week so we won’t need to look at lyrics next Wednesday.  Each girl just has 1 short verse to learn so it shouldn’t take too long to commit to memory.

Texas Hold Em:


We are excited to have you try guitar on this song!  Be sure to review this video several time before next rehearsal so you will remember exactly what to play.


We Will Rock You:

Marnie is singing the 1st verse of this song.  She thought she was singing the 2nd. Here are the lyrics for We Will Rock You.  Please work with her on memorizing that verse this week so we won’t need to look at lyrics next Wednesday.  Each girl just has 1 short verse to learn so it shouldn’t take too long to commit to memory.

A Bar Song:

You are already sounding great on this song! Let’s try to memorize the notes so we don’t need stickers this session.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you are practicing with the transposed track above. It won’t sound right with the original recording.



A Bar Song:

We are so excited that you are trying guitar for this song!  I know this is new for you so you’ll want to practice at home.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you are practicing with the transposed track above. It won’t sound right with the original recording.

Here is your part with the track playing in the background so you can hear the timing:

Winter/Spring 2025 Band Session – Important Dates:

March 15th &16th
In-house Performance Workshop Weekend
(specific performance time to be announced)

Sunday, June 8th
Band Showcase
(Location and specific performance time to be announced)

NO REHEARSAL February 11-14:  Winter Break

NO REHEARSAL April 7-18, Spring Break

Jazz and Jam

February 7 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

FREE School Information Session (Grades 6-12)

February 8 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

Your Favorite Singer-Songwriter Recital

February 23 @ 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Jazz and Jam

March 7 @ 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm


March 20 - March 23

Young Entrepreneurs of El Segundo

March 22 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm

March Recital – Saturday

March 22 @ 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

March Recital – Sunday

March 23 @ 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Don’t Tell Comedy

March 29 @ 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm