Mint Band Page
Band Materials
Band Song List:
Celebrity Skin – Hole (In B)
Crocodile Rock
Black Hole Sun
Limelight – Rush
Duck Eat Duck World – Destroy Boys
We are adding a guitar solo to celebrity skin before the bridge
We are adding a piano Solo over the verse progression in Crocodile rock after the second chorus
Remember Crocodile Rock verse and chorus have a different second chord (Bm in the verse; Em in the Chorus)
Everybody but bass cut out the 11th and 12th measures of the pre-chorus – bass does the walkup
Ethan S
Big Organ glissandos into chords
For now we are trying out having your solo over the chorus progression
Practice the Crocodile rock pre-chorus. Remember the second time we get to A, you play the chromatic walk up.
Make sure to hit the syncopated chord changes in the chorus for Celebrity Skin