Daylight savings time begins that day so “Spring Forward’
Recital Registration Links are listed below. The age groups are only a guideline. Any age student may participate in any recital.
Please register your song titles early. We do not allow duplicate songs to be performed in any recital.
Please select the option Recital with Accompanist unless student is accompanying themselves (or clearly specified by your teacher).
Parking is ample and FREE near the venue. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your recital time. If the previous recital is still in progress when you arrive, enter quietly or remain outside until it is finished.
11-11:45am (Ages 4-8): register
12:15-1:45pm (Ages 9-11): register
2-3:30pm (All Ages): register
3:45-5:15pm (Ages 12-15): register
5:30-7pm (Ages16-Adult): register