Band Repertoire
Harleys in Hawaii – Katy Perry
I got you – Amyl and the sniffers
Still into you – Paramore
Kiss Me – Sixpence none the richer
On Kiss Me, you can support Emma in the intro after one time through.
You are doing really well with your solo. Remember that your you also play it throughout the entire outro.
Practice the chorus section to kiss me.
Try to build up speed on Harleys in Hawaii
Thank you for being so well prepared.
On Kiss Me, don’t jump into your melodic parts to early. The line starts on beat 1
You are largely in charge of keeping the tempos of the songs consistent throughout the whole piece. It’s huge test of stamina.
I prefer the drum part you wrote for kiss me on the pad. KEEP IT! It/s so good!
Sing/shout the “I got you”
Make sure we have a lot of distortion on your guitar for that one