A Cappella Juniors

Upcoming Schedule
Schedule: Thursdays 3:15-4:45pm
Start and End Dates: Thursday, January 16th – Thursday, June 5th
This group WILL NOT meet on:
Thursday, February 13th (President’s Holiday Week)
Thursday, April 17th (Spring Break)
Weekly Notes:
-learned a new round (donkeys love carrots)
-Continued working on Deja Vu
-We will pick out a second song next week, please come with a few ideas that would work well a cappella!
-Continued working on Deja Vu
-Continued working on Deja Vu
2/13: No Rehearsal
-We continued working on Row Row Row Your Boat and talked about keeping the beat somewhere in our body while singing to help us stay together (tap a toe or finger).
-We learned the second verse of Deja Vu and started learning the chorus! Skyla and Teagan, I have slightly tweaked your parts for the chorus so check those out!
-Continued working on our sight-reading skills using note names and solfège
-We kept working on our Row Row Row Your Boat Round
-Deja Vu: We kept working on verse 1, I have practice tracks attached for the tricky “ha ha” part!
-Continued working on our sight-reading skills
-Round: a song where each voice sings the same melody, but starting at different times.
-We practiced singing a round with Row Row Row Your Boat. I have a file attached below where you can practice singing with me!
-Deja Vu: we came up with our parts for the first verse, yay! Teagen, I ended up changing your part because it was clashing with the melody (that’s what was making it so tricky to sing!). We will go over it next week but do your best to listen to the practice tracks and sing along!
A Cappella: Voices singing without other instruments.
Unison: Singing a melody together with no other harmony or accompanying parts.
Vocal technique: Ways in which we strengthen and improve our singing. Important parts of good vocal technique include pitch, tone, and breath support.
Singing sharp: Singing above the pitch.
Singing flat: Singing below the pitch.
Solfege: Syllables assigned to notes in a scale.
This week we learned Do Re Mi Fa So
We picked out “Deja Vu” by Olivia Rodrigo to work on! Listen to it this week for ideas (instrument parts we can sing, harmonies, anything you hear or imagine!) Great singing this week! 🙂
Sheet Music and Practice Tracks
Practice Tracks-
Row Row Row Your Boat
Deja Vu
Deja Vu Sheet Music: Deja_Vu 2:26
3rd verse:
2nd Verse and 1st Chorus:
“ha ha” part:
All Parts: