Coast Music Singers
Upcoming Schedule
Schedule: Mondays 3:30-5pm
Start and End Dates: Monday, January 6th – Monday, June 9th
We will provide staff every week even on holiday weeks! Let us know if you are coming 🙂
The session includes:
- 22 Monday rehearsals
- 2 or more additional rehearsals
- 3 – 6 performances
- 1 audio recording
- 1 video recording session
- 1 fully edited group video
(30 plus group meetings)
Please look at the possible performance dates below, and let us know what you are available for:
Coast Music Workshop Weekend
This is an in-house performance in the Band Showcase Room where you will receive feedback from the audience. It is very fun and highly recommended (25-min timeslot).
Date and Time options:
- Saturday, March 15th: Anytime between 11am-4pm OR
- Sunday, March 16th: Anytime before 2:30pm
Coast Music Recital
Date and Time options:
- Saturday, March 22nd: 3pm or 4:30pm OR
- Sunday, March 22nd: 3:30 or 5pm
Outdoor Stage at Springfest (RB Performing Arts Center)
This is going to be a very fun public event, and it would be amazing if you would do the recital on Saturday the 22nd, so you can do this on the 23rd on a bigger stage on Sunday, March 23rd Sometime between 11am and 2pm – put in your request ASAP
Sheet Music and Practice Tracks
Enemy Sheet Music
Enemy Lincoln