Krazy Playerz Band Page
Band Materials
Stressed Out – 21 Pilots (Vance vocals, Tyler drums, Mia bass, Willow keys)
Endgame – Taylor Swift (Mia and Willow vocals, Tyler drums, Vance keybass)
Eyes Closed – Imagine Dragons (Tyler vocals, Mia bass)
Focus on Stressed Out and End Game! Parts should be down, start getting familiar with the order of the sections.
Stressed Out – 21 Pilots – Band Reduction
Endgame – Taylor Swift – Band Reduction (Simplified)
Endgame – edited no first rap
Great job on the drums Tyler! Make sure to practice along to the track here on the website that has the first rap removed for Endgame. Keep the hi hat relaxed on the rap verses!
Your parts are coming along great Mia! Be sure to practice the Stressed Out chorus nice and slow and make sure to keep repeating it in time.
Hey Mia! Remember you are now doing the raps in Stressed Out, and we are taking out the first rap in End Game. In Stressed out, it’s the first verse at 0:12 in the track, and the second verse at 1:13, and for End Game I have posted an edited track above that has the first rap removed.
Fall 2024 Band Session – Important Dates:
October 12th &13th
In-house Performance Workshop Weekend
(specific performance time to be announced)
Sunday, December 15th
Band Showcase
(Location and specific performance time to be announced)
NO REHEARSAL October 31, Halloween
NO REHEARSAL November 18-33, Thanksgiving Break